The Latest Articles, Video
and Podcast from
Shaykh Abdullah Hakim
Caught between Systemic Racism and Structural Prejudice
Before setting the record straight, I feel it is vitally important to recognize that many people may have understandably felt threatened or hurt by the controversy surrounding me. As an African American who grew up during America’s civil rights era and whose ancestry includes people from the Mohawk nation, I’ve certainly felt threatened and fearful by hateful talk directed toward me….
Go Deeper into a History of the Americas They Teach Don’t in Schools
Before setting the record straight, I feel it is vitally important to recognize that many people may have understandably felt threatened or hurt by the controversy surrounding me. As an African American who grew up during America’s civil rights era and whose ancestry includes people from the Mohawk nation, I’ve certainly felt threatened and fearful by hateful talk directed toward me….
The untold history of The Jami Mosque
Hundreds of people remember this time (1984-1990) as a type of ‘golden age’ of the Jami Mosque, not because of materials but because of the fellowship, Brotherhood and Sisterhood that developed. All were welcome and comfortable. Unfortunately, many Islamic centers today are tribal oriented and not friendly to Muslims of other ethnic groups.
Timbuktu, Empire of Knowledge
Imagine a city in 16th century West Africa where thousands of Black African students pondered over the latest ideas in science, mathematics, and medicine. A fabled town in the middle of the scorching desert, overflowing with countless valuable books, wonderful crafts, exquisite fabrics, and unrivalled gold jewelry!
Reflections for the year of Patience
With the new Islamic year of 1441A.H. upon, we need to take some time to reflect on the past, analyze the present and project for the future. Time is precious and moving past us at an ever-increasing rate.
Finding Space for Pluralism and Religious Freedom in the 21st Century
As an African American with ties to the First Nation Mohawk people of northeast America, travelling across the globe and interacting with people of different nationalities, religious persuasions and orientations toward life has been extraordinary experience, to say the least.
“How I am still being Digitally Transformed into a Hate Cleric”
Before setting the record straight, I feel it is vitally important to recognize that many people may have understandably felt threatened or hurt by the controversy surrounding me. As an African American who grew up during America’s civil rights era and whose ancestry includes people from the Mohawk nation, I’ve certainly felt threatened and fearful by hateful talk directed toward me….